We are not saved by performance, but by believing on Christ's death at Calvary, and that alone to atone for our sins. Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss how performance will never measure up; thus, the discussion focus is on performance verses obedience. Dr. Don Paul Gray asks, where does obedience come into the picture, and why, do we obey? Out of fear or out of love? Brother Loren Larson says we must love Him, and that love must be what is the motivator for our desire to be obedient and do things for God. The panel analyzes how believers struggle with deciphering the difference.
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A Study in the Word - Jan. 1st, 2020
Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss Salvation and how many people confuse what saves.
Brother Bob Cornell says the confusion leads many people to believe in the once saved, always saved doctrine. Brother Loren Larson says what saves needs to be clarified, and will be...