Brother Swaggart is joined today with John Rosenstern, Josh Rosenstern, Dave Smith, and Dr. Don Paul Gray. The panel continues their teaching on the city of Corinth and the background of 1 Corinthians and this leads to a larger discussion on abortion and the history of it. The panel further reads 1 Corinthians 12:4 and explains the error of preachers trying give people spiritual gifts or the anointing by laying hands on them.
Up Next in 2019
A Study In The Word - April 24th, 2019
Brother Swaggart is joined today by John Rosenstern, Josh Rosenstern, Dave Smith, and Dr. Don Paul Gray. The panel resumes reading 1 Corinthians 12:1-3 and teaches on the background of the book of 1 Corinthians and how Paul planted the church in the wicked city of Corinth. The panel further discu...
A Study In The Word - April 23rd, 2019
Today, Brother Swaggart is joined with John Rosenstern, Josh Rosenstern, Dave Smith, and Dr. Don Paul Gray. The panel reads 1 Corinthians 12:1-3 and discusses the reasons why many in the modern church have moved away from the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some reject the gifts of the Holy Spirit beca...
A Study In The Word - April 22nd, 2019
Today, Brother Swaggart is joined by John Rosenstern, Josh Rosenstern, Dave Smith, and Dr. Don Paul Gray. The panel begins teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and reads 1 Corinthians 12:1. Most of the modern church is ignorant of what the gifts of the Holy Spirit are and how they are to func...