Brother Swaggart is joined today by Loren Larson, Bob Cornell, Dave Smith, and Dr. Don Paul Gray. The panel continues their study on Cornelius and reads through Acts 10:33-36. The gospel of Jesus Christ transcends culture and addresses the universal human problem of sin, regardless of the people's race or ethnicity. As well, listen in to hear the story of how Loren Larson led his dying brother to the Lord.
Up Next in 2019
A Study In The Word - Feb. 8th, 2019
Acts 10:30-31. God remembers both the bad and the good; in His Time, He rewards both accordingly. Brother Swaggart and the panel continue their study on the Holy Spirit.
A Study In The Word - Feb. 7th, 2019
Acts 10:25. This meeting probably took place outside the house, at the gate. Brother Swaggart and the panel continue their study on the Holy Spirit.
A Study In The Word - Feb. 6th, 2019
Brother Swaggart and the panel look at and discuss Acts 10:21, as they continue their study on the Holy Spirit.