Do you understand why Satan is referred to as the prince of this world? Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel, discuss scripture that explains the origins of Lucifer. God’s creation of Lucifer was one of beauty and talent as he was a powerful, magnificently adorned angel that sang and led worship of God. We see this description of Lucifer before his fall in Ezekiel 28:13-15. Brother Swaggart speaks of Satan’s rebellion against God, which is one explanation as to what caused the catastrophe between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 that would support the Gap theory or doctrine.
Up Next in 2019
A Study In The Word - Nov. 27th, 2019
Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss John 14:28, explaining how during the incarnation Christ never ceased to be deity, but never performed as deity; following the will of the Father. In discussing the Trinity, Brother Bob Cornell shares while the three, the Father, S...
A Study In The Word - Nov. 26th, 2019
Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss Pre-Pentecost, Holy Spirit power. Before Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was working for the Apostles on a temporary basis. Brother Larson says they were yet to have the permanent, indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Don Paul G...
A Study In The Word - Nov. 25th, 2019
Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel, discuss John 14:28, how Jesus was preparing the disciples for what was to come with regards to the Holy Spirit, and His Ascension into heaven. The panel discussed the apostles that were with Christ and the leadership Peter showed after Pe...