Jesus was born divine. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel study how Jesus was born fully divine and fully human. The heresy of the adoptionism doctrine teaches that Jesus was adopted by God and then became divine, and that men can also become divine like Christ did. Brother Swaggart corrects this idea. Jesus is God and was sent by God, and is the second part of the trinity. Many liberal theologians will question the deity of Christ. Brother Swaggart says Jesus has always been the Son of God, and at the incarnation, He became the Son of Man. He came as a man to redeem sinful man; He laid aside His deity to be the perfect sinless sacrifice, but He never lost possession of it.
Up Next in 2022
A Study In The Word - Apr. 18th, 2022
Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel study Paul’s writings in the Book of Romans. We see what Christ has done, freeing man from the penalty of sin. Forgiveness of sin is the benefit we have through faith in the Cross of Christ. We have access to this forgiveness by...
A Study In The Word - Apr. 15th, 2022
Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss Romans 1:2, teaching to the new believers, many Gentiles; tying the Old Covenant to the New. Brother Swaggart says the Apostle Paul was striving to reveal to the believers there were not two gospels. Just as the churc...
A Study In The Word - Apr, 14th, 2022
Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss the Apostle Paul’s influence in Jerusalem following his salvation, and following a vision from the Lord that the people will not receive him and his life would be threatened. Brother Larson sets the stage when Barnabas...