It is the message that makes an Apostle. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel begin a new study in the Book of Romans, discussing how God used the Apostle Paul and how an Apostle is recognized today. Brother Swaggart says God gives a person the message that the church needs through the Holy Spirit; He appoints the Apostle. God knows what the people need to hear. The panel also addresses how the Lord gives the call of divine healing at a time He determines to who He determines to receive this call through the power of the Holy Spirit. Brother Swaggart says man needs to get out God’s way; God knows who and when. Brother John says all too often the church gets in God’s way with too much mixture and false doctrine. In these last days, God will unify His true preachers across denominational lines to bring about a great harvest of souls to one truth; Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Up Next in Romans Series
Romans Series - Episode 2
Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the lack of discernment for what God wants done in the church world today. Brother Rosenstern says so many, across denominational lines are missing the correct message and the calling of the Lord. Since the early church, ...
Romans Series - Episode 3
Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the Apostle Paul’s influence in Jerusalem following his salvation, and following a vision from the Lord that the people will not receive him and his life would be threatened. Brother Larson sets the stage when Barnabas sou...