A Study in the Word - Feb. 5th, 2020
A Study In The Word
The primary work of the Holy Spirit is to deal with sin. Today on A Study In the Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss how at salvation the Holy Spirit comes in to transform the believer into the image of their savior, where they begin to see victory over sin. Brother Larson says, too many Pentecostals don’t understand how this initial, primary work offers sanctification in their lives. He adds, if a believer only focuses on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and receives tongues, but has no victory over sin in their lives, the weight of the gifts will collapse in on the believer who doesn’t properly understand the first, primary work to be changed.
Up Next in A Study In The Word
A Study in the Word - Feb. 4th, 2020
In your presence, is fullness of joy; as the Psalmist said of the Holy Spirit. Today Brother Swaggart and panel discuss Old Covenant understanding of the Holy Spirit, and how His presence was sought after, but was unlike New Covenant presence where the Holy Spirit could abide inside a believer. ...
A Study in the Word - Jan 31st, 2020
That which is of the flesh, will always oppose that which is of the Spirit. Brother Swaggart and panel discuss John 16:7, where scripture confirms, when Christ told the apostles He would be leaving them, and sorrow filled their hearts. But when Christ appeared to them, after His resurrection, a...
A Study in the Word - Jan. 30th, 2020
Don’t leave me this way! That’s a cry of many Christians who are miserably saved. Today Brother Swaggart and panel share how the born again believer has the capacity to rise above sin, if they know to place their faith in Christ’s finished work on Calvary’s Cross. The panel discusses the first...