A Study In The Word - Nov. 26th, 2020
A Study In The Word
I will heal their land. We need more churches that model the Book of Acts. Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the power of the Holy Spirit, and the lack of His moving in churches today, that are not preaching the true Gospel. Brother Larson sees a connection to the lack of the Spirit moving, and the lack of believers interested in the return of Christ. When the Holy Spirit does move, people become more interested in end times and how God will move even greater. Brother John says we must look forward to our hope in Christ Jesus. Without the Cross, anything else is just a philosophy. In Daniel 2:36-37, we see the setting up and taking down of kings. Brother Swaggart likens this to what we are seeing in our government today, with just who will lead this nation through the Spiritual conflict America now faces. Brother Larson says President Trump has defended Christianity and stood for the church; our Christian rights could vanish right before our eyes with the change of leadership on Capitol Hill.
Up Next in A Study In The Word
A Study In The Word - Nov. 25th, 2020
A stone was cut out without hands. Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss Daniel 2:33-34, and Daniel’s interpretation of the king’s dream. Daniel outlines the successive kingdoms with a representation of precious metals, then iron and clay. Brother John says that depr...
A Study In The Word - Nov. 24th, 2020
During the time of Daniel, the scepter of power was in the hands of the Gentiles. Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the scattering of the Jews at that time until World War II, and then, the 1948 recognition of Israel as a nation. We must, as a country, help to pro...
A Study In The Word - Nov. 23rd, 2020
I will show unto the king the interpretation. Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss Daniel 2:24-25. Brother John says the scripture indicates that Daniel has something to say; and Brother Swaggart adds, most
certainly what he has to say was given to him by the Lord. E...