Crossfire Ministries - Nov. 28th, 2019
Crossfire Services
"The Effects of the Gospel Message" Tonight, Pastor Gabe reads Acts 13:38-42 and examines the gospel message delivered by Paul in this passage. Pastor Gabe looks at the doctrine of justification by faith and addresses the fact that no one can be justified by the law. As well, the gospel will always produce a positive or a negative reaction to it whenever it is presented. On this subject, Pastor Gabe further explains how Christians should respond to those who reject the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Up Next in Crossfire Services
Crossfire Ministries - Nov. 21st, 2019
"Then Paul set his sights on him" Pastor Gabe reads this evening from Acts 13:6-12 and deals with the opposition to what God has called the believer to do. Pastor Gabe looks at the confrontation between the Apostle Paul and Elymas the sorcerer and addresses the fact that opposition will always be...
Crossfire Ministries - Oct. 31st, 2019
"Three things every believer should know and do" Tonight, Pastor Gabe reads Acts 13:1-4 and looks at the beginning of Paul's first missionary journey. Pastor Gabe deals with prayer and fasting and stresses the importance of discerning what is and is not the voice of God. Once the believer knows w...
Crossfire Ministries - Oct. 24th, 2019
"The Voice" Evangelist Jason Stidham ministers this evening from Luke 3:1-6 and preaches on the divine call of God. Jason looks at the life and ministry of John the Baptist and addresses the dead religion of the modern church. When the religious machine of the church no longer presents Jesus Chri...