Sunday Evening Service - January 5th, 2025
Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Service
WATCH THEREFORE, BE YE READY, JESUS IS COMING- Do you have oil in your lamp? Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist David Borg reads Matthew 25:1-14 teaching on the readiness, and lack there of, of the ten virgins. As scripture shows us through this story, as believers, we must be ready for the return of the Lord. Brother Borg warns us that many Christians are going to find that they do not have oil in their lamps. The oil symbolizes the power of the Holy Spirit, which is essential for our life and living this side of heaven. To live the Spirit filled life every believer is called to, we must have our faith anchored in the finished work of Christ. This will then result in fruit in our lives and the readiness that Christ is looking for when He returns to get His bride.
Up Next in Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Service
Sunday Evening Service - December 29...
SUFFER WELL- Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Genesis 50:18-21 teaching on the suffering that occurs in the life of a believer. Looking at Joseph’s sufferings, we see how he went from a pit to a palace. The Apostle Paul embraced a life of suffering because he had hop...
Sunday Evening Service - December 22...
IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME, GOD SENT HIS SON- Any time God does something, it is the best time. God wasn’t late, nor early when He sent His Son. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Mike Muzzerall reads Galatians 4:1-7 teaching on our redemption through Jesus Christ. By faith, in Jesus Christ...
Sunday Evening Service - December 15...
HOLY FOREVER- Tonight at Family Worship the Family Worship Center Resurrection Singers filled the sanctuary with songs of Christmas, both old and new. Jane Larson joined her dad, Joseph singing a medley of Silent Night, and Away in a Manger. The special night of music ended with praises and g...