Sunday Evening Service - June 6th, 2021
Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Service
THE RESPONSE OF GRACE— He is a loving giver. Tonight Pastor Joseph Larson preaches from Isaiah 1:1-17. Brother Joseph says Isaiah’s vision addresses just how far God’s people will drift into sin. We see Israel forsaking God, and God tiring of their religion, as the law only highlights their sin more. But God’s response to our sin is grace; however, sin should not be ignored, for it grieves God. Brother Joseph reminds us that Jesus died for His enemies; He responds to sinful man with love. As men, we have a natural aversion to grace, but if we will only repent and turn from our sin, He will be faithful to forgive and wash us as white as snow.
Up Next in Family Worship Center Sunday Evening Service
Sunday Evening Service - May 30th, 2021
RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH— Does the name of Jesus still excite you? Tonight Pastor Mike Muzzerall preaches from 2 Timothy 2:14-19, warning the believer to shun profane and vain babbling; we need to speak the Gospel. The Apostle Paul is telling Timothy to rightly divide the Word of G...
Sunday Evening Service - May 23rd, 2021
THERE IS STILL A RIVER— We have a freedom in Christ. Sister Grace Brumley preaches from Psalm 46:1-4 encouraging us of the goodness of God. God is our refuge and strength. Sister Grace says God is a present help and He is always available, and will never turn us away. Daily, we dwell In Chri...
Sunday Evening Service - May 16th, 2021
JSBC Graduation Class of 2020-2021– Tonight JSBC President Gabriel Swaggart encourages the graduating class of 2020-2021 with 2 Timothy 3:10-17, as the Apostle Paul encouraged Timothy in the faith. Pastor Gabe reminded the graduates to stand for their faith as they go out into the world, and to...