Sunday Morning Service - February 23rd, 2025
Family Worship Center Sunday Morning Service
WE HAVE OVERCOME BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB- Satan is the accuser of the brethren, but we are overcomers by the blood. Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart reads Revelation 12:10-11 teaching on the great price that was paid on Calvary’s Cross. Brother Donnie encourages us, that in Christ, we lose all our guilty stains. We are washed, sanctified, and we are justified. The Cross is the foundation from which all doctrines flow. Christ provided the perfect sacrifice to pay the debt of sinful man. In Christ, we can claim all the benefits of the New Covenant. We are His children, and we are more than conquerors when we place our faith in Christ’s finished work and that alone.
Up Next in Family Worship Center Sunday Morning Service
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MUD ON YOUR FACE- Today at Family Worship Center, Guest Pastor Bill Bailey from Happy Gospel Church in Bradenton Florida reads John 9:1-7 teaching on the fallen state of humanity and how the love of God takes care of it all. We are reminded how Jesus heals a blind man with His own spit mixed wit...
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FORGIVENESS- Today At Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart reads Matthew 6:9-15 continuing his series on the Lord’s Prayer. Brother Gabe encourages us that the Lord set us free at Calvary, and that is something to shout about. We belong to Jesus, for He broke all our bondages, and ou...
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REMEMBER- Today At Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart reads 1st Corinthians 11:23-32 teaching on the church ordinances of water baptism and communion. We are reminded that there are no saving factors in either ordinance. A person being baptized in water is an outward expression of ...