Wednesday Evening Service - Aug. 5th, 2020
Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service
SATAN THE ADVERSARY- Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss how Satan was originally created to be the most beautiful angel, gifted with music untold, and was to give God glory. But in his pride, he used his knowledge and gift to try and become God himself. He used his gift of music to deceive. Brother Larson says Satan is still doing the same today; corrupting music within the church. There is a spirit in music, and if not the right spirit, it can lead you in a wrong direction. Brother Smith reminds that when music is of God, it comes from the right power source, that can chase away all evil spirits and the attack of the enemy. In Ezekiel 28:15, we read how Satan was perfect in his ways until iniquity found him. Satan originated sin, and comes as a light in an effort to deceive our hearts. Brother Swaggart encourages believers, that the Cross broke the bondage of all sin; and faith in Jesus Christ is the only answer for living a victorious Christian life.
Up Next in Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service
Wednesday Evenng Service - Jul. 29th,...
Satan hates hearing praises going up to Jesus Christ. Satan could have chosen to worship God, but he wanted to be God. Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss what the Apostle Paul called a Mystery. He offers the question, so many have asked, why did God not stop Satan? Like man, Satan too...
Wednesday Evening Service - Jul. 22nd...
THE PROPHECY AGAINST GOG: THE SLAUGHTER OF GOG’S ARMY- Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss Ezekiel 39:1, and set the stage with the prophecy of Ezekiel against the antichrist(GOG) some 2500 years ago. Pastor Bill Bailey from Happy Gospel Church in Bradenton, Florida joins the panel ton...
Wednesday Evening Service - Jul. 15th...
I was wounded in the house of my friends. Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the rejection of Christ. There are so many similarities between our current world’s delusions, and the deception of Satan during the time of the antichrist and the great tribulation, just before the Battle of ...