Wednesday Evening Service - Nov. 3rd, 2021
Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel read Revelation 14:1-3 discussing the portals of glory and all believers who will be there. Trusting in the Cross of Christ redeems man; it is the only thing that stands between man and eternal hell. Half way through the Great Tribulation, 144-thousand Jews will finally believe on Christ as their Messiah. Brother Swaggart reads from Psalms 149 and Psalms 150 reading of the celebration scene in the Book of Revelation. In the coming Kingdom Age, all men will worship and praise the Lord; let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Randy Knaps
The Name Of The Loard
This Is The Day
Be Still And Know That I Am God
You Ar My King
Be Ye Holy
Robin Herd
Jesus Hold My Hand
Since I Laid My Burdens Down
Up Next in Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service
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The Second Touch of God’s Spirit- Salvation, peace, joy, healing, and so much more along with the wonderful infilling of the Holy Spirit can be ours.
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Wednesday Evening Service - Oct. 20th...
TIS THAT CITY WHERE THE LAMB IS THE LIGHT— Tonight at Family Worship Center Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss Revelation 13:1-4, where we read a beast will rise up out of the sea. This is a sea of people, and the beast is the Antichrist. In end time events, ten nations will join t...
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