Wednesday Evening Service - Aug, 3rd, 2022
Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service
Will you be there? Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Revelation 21:9-18. When the believer makes heaven, we will have glorified bodies in perfect health. There will be no more dying or sorrow. Streets of gold and walls of jasper with jeweled gates will be our home forever and forever. The names of the 12 tribes of Israel will be on every gate; the meaning of every name points to Jesus Christ. The only ticket needed to go is to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. God will change His headquarters from heaven to earth when He renovates this earth by fire and brings down His New Jerusalem filled with His glory. The Cross of Christ makes this access to eternity with Him possible.
P&W Leader:
B.J. Pons
Our God
Holy Spirit
You Deserve The Glory
Shout To The Lord
Address Change Notification
Randy Knaps
We Shall See The King
During Message:
I’m On My Way
Amazing Grace
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