Sister Frances is joined today with John Rosenstern, Josh Rosenstern, and Dr. Don Paul Gray. The panel discusses the recent resolution in Congress that was originally intended to rebuke antisemitism but was broadened to be a resolution rebuking any sort of racism and hatred without mentioning Ilhan Omar's name. This leads to a larger discussion on the beliefs of Islam and the different ways that the Quran is interpreted. The panel further addresses what Christians should be doing when faced with the problems in the world today.
Up Next in 2019
Frances & Friends - Mar. 7, 2019
Today, Sister Frances is joined by Brother Donnie, Mike Muzzerall, and special guest John Koski. The panel addresses the problem of antisemitism in Congress and the persistent immigration crisis on the southern border. John Koski further deals more with Islam and answers your questions concerning...
Frances & Friends - Mar 6, 2019
Sister Frances is joined today with Brother Donnie, Dave Smith, Dr. Don Paul Gray, and special guest John Koski. John Koski is a former JSBC instructor and now works as a missionary to the Muslim population in the Dearborn, Michigan area. John Koski discusses his ministry efforts with the Muslim ...
Frances & Friends - Mar. 5, 2019
Sister Frances is joined by Brother Donnie, Mike Muzzerall, Jim Nations, and Dave Smith. Today, the panel answers your emails and phone calls. Questions addressed include: can a Christian attract demon spirits to them by speaking negative words?, can someone lose their salvation by refusing to fo...