Frances & Friends
10 Seasons
Frances and Friends is hosted by Frances Swaggart. The Frances and Friends live broadcast is a talk-show format that deals with current events, doctrinal questions and information relevant to the viewer today. With a panel of Bible teachers, ministers, scholars and advisers, the program includes guest interviews, book reviews, news information and allows audience participation with question and answer segments in each show. Frances and Friends currently has the largest audience on the SonLife Radio network.
1:43:37Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Nov. 6th, 2019
Episode 0
Do you remember the day the Berlin Wall fell? Today on Frances and Friends, Brother Donnie Swaggart begins the program with footage of November 9th, thirty years ago in Germany. He remembers that day clearly when the Berlin Wall came down. He remembers growing up with a fear of war, and what w...
1:42:00Episode 0
Frances and Friends - Nov. 5th, 2019
Episode 0
Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Frances applauds a U.S. senator and a Florida state representative for introducing legislation that would offer bible classes in public high schools. Brother Donnie says putting truth before children, who have maybe never even been exposed to the Bible, is a h...
1:35:01Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Nov. 4th, 2019
Episode 0
Have you ever wondered how do I truly worship the Lord? Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Frances wants you to know this answer. Brothers Dave Smith and Jim Nations point to Sunday's service as to see it done. Sister Frances says people are mistaken if they think a man or preacher has to pl...
1:43:22Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 31, 2019
Episode 0
Today on Frances and Friends, the panel tackles emails addressing homosexuality, to Halloween, to politics. Brother Donnie Swaggart responds to Don, a caller from New Jersey who asks why so much emphasis on politics and not on sharing the Gospel more? Brother Donnie points to the importance of C...
1:42:45Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 30, 2019
Episode 0
Today on Frances and Friends, the panel addresses the doctrine of unconditional eternal security, with the Parable of the Five talents. A viewer asks if this parable is pointing to a capitalistic system? Brother Don Paul Gray, explains this to be more as a reward for faithfulness to God based o...
1:41:01Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 29, 2019
Episode 0
Today on Frances and Friends, the panel begins with reminding Americans to look at what is happening in Communist China. The Chinese are seeing a ban on bibles and all spiritual books unless they are distributed by the government. Sister Swaggart says we need to be on alert come election time. ...
1:32:39Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 28th, 2019
Episode 0
Today on Frances and Friends, the panel discusses President Trumps visit to Chicago to support a Police conference fund raiser; however, the city’s top cop chose not to attend. Sister Swaggart said the action was nothing short of rude. Brother Don Paul Gray adds that the spirit of disunity in t...
1:44:53Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 25, 2019
Episode 0
Are you in a senseless place? In the hold of anxiety? Well you are not alone, fear is crippling many believers. Today on Frances and Friends, Brother John Rosenstern shares his struggle with anxiety for years and how God finally broke that bondage. Many callers and emails came into the show as ...
1:37:12Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 24, 2019
Episode 0
As the 31st of the month approaches, many Christians are asking, is it wrong to celebrate Halloween. Today’s program, almost exclusively deals with the question of what’s right and wrong when it comes to recognizing this day. Sister Frances Swaggart, Mike Muzzerall, Jim Nations and Dave Smith br...
1:42:05Episode 35
Frances & Friends - Oct. 23rd, 2019
Episode 35
Have you been called a judging Christian? A common attack on Christians today, as believers stand for truth and what the Word of God says regarding sin. The panel addresses calls regarding AA and Celebrate Recovery, and offers scripture to share God’s way to be free from the bondage of sin. Rom...
1:43:00Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 21, 2019
Episode 0
Today’s Frances and Friend’s panel and Sister Swaggart make a prayer request for Ron Reagan Jr. The prayer was prompted, over the broadcasting of a commercial during the recent debates. In it, the former President’s son promotes freedom from religion in the commercial for the foundation and sep...
1:42:05Episode 0
Frances and Friends - Oct 13, 2019
Episode 0
Have you been called a judging Christian? A common attack on Christians today, as believers stand for truth and what the Word of God says regarding sin. The panel addresses calls regarding AA and Celebrate Recovery, and offers scripture to share God’s way to be free from the bondage of sin. Rom...
1:43:24Episode 36
Frances & Friends - Oct. 22nd, 2019
Episode 36
A two-thousand year old street believed to have been created under the orders of Pontius Pilate has been found in Jerusalem. Along with the hidden rode, more than 100 coins dating back to 31 A.D. were found beneath it. Brother Mike Muzzerall applauds the find as just another proof of biblical ...
1:41:52Episode 38
Frances & Friends - Oct. 16th, 2019
Episode 38
Where is love? That is the question so many believers are asked with regard to beliefs on homosexuality and transgender lifestyes. Today Sister Frances, Brother Donnie, Dave Smith, Jim Nations, and Dr. Don Paul Gray tackle an email asking where is the Christian’s love? The panel gives substantia...
1:35:30Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 11, 2019
Episode 0
Sister Frances is joined today by Josh Rosenstern, Jim Nations, and Dr. Don Paul Gray. The panel discusses the beliefs of modern Judaism and explains how orthodox Jews believe they go to Heaven when they die. The panel further looks at several news stories and deals with recent remarks made by De...
1:43:00Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct.10, 2019
Episode 0
Today, Sister Frances is joined with Brother Donnie and Jim Nations, and together, the panel answers your emails and phone calls. Questions answered by the panel include: how do Christians discern God's gifts and callings for their life?, what does the Bible say about tattoos?, and what is the si...
1:42:56Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 9th, 2019
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances is joined by Brother Donnie, Dave Smith, Carl Brown, and Dr. Don Paul Gray. The panel discusses Carl Brown's new book Bridging the Gap, and Carl Brown explains his purpose in writing this book. This purpose is to bring Christians together at the foot of the cros...
1:43:58Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 8th, 2019
Episode 0
Sister Frances is joined on today's program by Brother Donnie and Carl Brown, and together, the panel deals with the subject of tithing. The panel looks at what the Bible says concerning tithes and offerings and explains how the concept of tithing works under the New Covenant.
1:42:44Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 7th, 2019
Episode 0
Today, Sister Frances is joined by Brother Donnie, Dave Smith, Jim Nations, and Dr. Don Paul Gray. The panel discusses the error of the greed gospel and explains how this teaching can lead to covetousness in the hearts of believers. The panel as well teaches what the Bible says concerning the sec...
1:42:49Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 4, 2019
Episode 0
TodayToday, Sister Frances is joined with Brother Donnie, Dave Smith, John Rosenstern, Josh Rosenstern, and Jim Nations. The panel discusses the current situation in Israel in the wake of their past election and addresses the rise of antisemitism in Europe. The panel as well deals with the danger...
1:42:54Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 3th, 2019
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances is joined by Brother Donnie, Mike Muzzerall, and special guest Brigitte Gabriel. Brigitte Gabriel is the founder of Act for America and is a bestselling author. Brigitte addresses the threat to the United States posed by radical Islam and further explains the co...
1:35:11Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 2nd, 2019
Episode 0
Sister Frances is joined on today's program by Dave Smith, Jim Nations, and Dr. Don Paul Gray. The panel looks at a recent speech against socialism made by President Bolsonaro of Brazil at the United Nations. The panel as well discusses the growing Christian church in Iran, despite of the persecu...
1:35:41Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Sept 30th, 2019
Episode 0
Today, Sister Frances is joined by Dave Smith, Jim Nations, and Dr. Don Paul Gray. The panel looks at the efforts of the Chinese government to impose their agenda on the churches in China and further discusses the effort to impeach President Trump. Other topics addressed by the panel include demo...
1:34:27Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Sept. 27th, 2019
Episode 0
Today, Sister Frances is joined with Dave Smith, Josh Rosenstern, and Jim Nations, and together, the panel answers your emails and phone calls. Topics dealt with by the panel include: the spiritual decline of the United States, the soon to come rapture of the church, the current Democratic plan t...