Frances & Friends

Frances & Friends

9 Seasons

Frances and Friends is hosted by Frances Swaggart. The Frances and Friends live broadcast is a talk-show format that deals with current events, doctrinal questions and information relevant to the viewer today. With a panel of Bible teachers, ministers, scholars and advisers, the program includes guest interviews, book reviews, news information and allows audience participation with question and answer segments in each show. Frances and Friends currently has the largest audience on the SonLife Radio network.

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Frances & Friends
  • Frances & Friends - Nov. 10th. 2021

    Episode 0

    Is your calling and election sure? Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss 2 Peter 1:4-10, discussing the divine power of God that we have access to through our faith in Jesus Christ. He gives unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowl...

  • Fraances & Friends - Nov. 9th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss Joshua 1:1; looking at the servitude of Joshua, then taking on his new leadership role. Joshua is a type of Christ leading the people into the Promise Land. He had seen all the rebellious acts against Moses and now he was to le...

  • Frances & Friends - Nov. 8th, 2021

    Episode 0

    At Calvary, we have access, by faith, to God's grace. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss how believers have access to hope, reading in Romans 5:1-4. Brother Smith says God allows problems in our lives so we can grow in Him. The Apostle Paul had a thorn in his f...

  • Frances & Friends - Nov. 5th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss the refreshing that comes with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the evidence of speaking in tongues. The infilling of the Holy Spirit can help make the weary believer’s burdens light. Jesus said take my yoke upon you, it is ea...

  • Frances & Friends - Nov. 4th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Man’s rebellion says let us make a name for ourselves. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss praise and worship to Almighty God, reading Psalms 118:21-24. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Brother Josh shares how these are s...

  • Fracnes & Friends - Nov. 3rd, 2021

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss Jude 1:9, addressing our trust in the Lord. Brother Donnie says he does not feel compelled to ask the Lord a lot of questions, because often times we must put that which we don’t understand in the hands to the Lord. He will rev...

  • Frances & Friends - Nov. 2nd, 2021

    Episode 0

    Sin and rebellion in a person’s life will reveal itself; and those in sin will speak evil of the things of God. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss Jude 1:8. Brother Donnie says the ultimate rebellion is adding to the divine order of God’s salvation plan. When J...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 29th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss Jude 1:7. Brother Donnie warns of the suffering in the cities to come; reading about the judgment of God that came by fire on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. If we go against the Word of God, judgment will come. The panel di...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 28th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss the push for a One World Religion and the opening of an interfaith compound in Abu Dhabi in 2022. This effort, supported by Pope Francis, will include a church, mosque, and a synagogue. The panel also addresses the questioning ...

  • France & Friends - Oct. 27th, 2021

    Episode 0

    God wants us to believe Him for everything. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss believing from the heart. There must be an action on what we believe, teaching from the fifth verse of Jude. Brother Donnie encourages us to not stop believing; God has divine timing...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 26th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss Jude 3; looking at the transformation that an individual goes through from the inside out when they make Jesus Christ the Lord of their life. The panel discusses the beginning of the church on the Day of Pentecost. Brother Donn...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 25th, 2021

    Episode 0

    We have the doctrine of the Godhead in the Word of God. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel read Jude 1: 3; encouraging the believer to earnestly contend for the faith. Brother Donnie says if the child of God does not stand for the faith, error will win out. Believers w...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 22nd, 2021

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss Jude 1:1-2, looking at a fixed truth, THE FAITH, which is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Brother Donnie says this little book warns of the false doctrine that had crept into the church of that day; and in these last days, ...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 21st, 2021

    Episode 0

    God’s Word is not void; error is sin. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss James 5:19-20, and the believer’s ability to stray away from truth when something appeals to our flesh. Faith is the only thing that justifies us in the eyes of God, but we will have fruit ...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 20th, 2021

    Episode 0

    A prayer of faith is a prayer of believing God. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss faith, believing, healing, and confession reading in James 5:15-16. Brother Donnie says if we have wronged someone, as believers we are to go to them ask forgiveness for wronging...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 19th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Healing is in the atonement, but yet Christians will get sick. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel explain healing and how, until we are raptured, or until death takes us to heaven, sickness will be a part of life. Brother Donnie explains James 5:14, and how the Lord wor...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 18th, 2021

    Episode 0

    In God’s wisdom, sometimes He does things we do not understand. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss James 5:13-14, looking at the healing power of God. Brother Donnie says we will not always know why God does what He does, but we can be assured that His way is ri...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 13th, 2021

    Episode 0

    We can count them happy, which endure. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss James 5:11-12, looking at the mercy of God given to us during times of affliction and our patience during these times of suffering for Christ. The panel discusses the evil agendas that are...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 8th, 2021

    Episode 0

    All social ills will be taken care of at the 2nd Coming of the Lord. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss James 5:7-8 looking at man’s righteousness and holiness in Christ. We must determine to live for God and be patient, as the rapture of the church should be in...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 7th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Wealth is of God; He desires for His people to walk in blessing. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss the wickedness of greed, reading from James 5:5-6. The Lord knows our needs, and He will provide when we are obedient to His Word. Sister Swaggart says giving to ...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 6th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Greed will result in self-destruction. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss James 5:1-3. James is addressing the wealthy who were hoarding their wealth and were taking from others. They oppressed others and were selfish to keep that which they had for themselves....

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 5th, 2021

    Episode 0

    In all things, seek the Lord for His will. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel read James 4:13-14; discussing the plans God has for us. In Matthew 6:34, Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, tells us to take no thought for tomorrow, for God has our lives in the palm of His ...

  • Frances & Friends - Oct. 4th, 2021

    Episode 0

    How can we feed them with five loaves and two fish? Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel read Mark 6:34, discussing the disciple's doubt in how the thousands of people could be fed. Brother Smith says we see the same in today’s difficult times; so many believers doubt wha...

  • Frances & Friends - Sep. 30th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Conservatism, without God, is meaningless. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel read James 4:11; discussing how believers should treat fellow believers struggling with sin. The panel also welcomes special guest Claston Bernard, author of the book ‘Outcast'. An immigrant f...