Frances & Friends
9 Seasons
Frances and Friends is hosted by Frances Swaggart. The Frances and Friends live broadcast is a talk-show format that deals with current events, doctrinal questions and information relevant to the viewer today. With a panel of Bible teachers, ministers, scholars and advisers, the program includes guest interviews, book reviews, news information and allows audience participation with question and answer segments in each show. Frances and Friends currently has the largest audience on the SonLife Radio network.
1:37:02Episode 0
Frances & Friends - June 10th, 2016
Episode 0
On today's program, Ben Kinchlow joins Sister Frances and the panel via Skype as they discuss his book "Black Yellow-Dogs."
1:40:15Episode 0
Frances & Friends - June 9th, 2016
Episode 0
Pastor Emmanuel Aryee from Ghana and Gilbert Lindsay join Sister Frances and the panel on today's program, as they discuss the printing and distribution of the Expositors Study Bibles.
1:39:22Episode 0
Frances & Friends - June 8th, 2016
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel discuss giving to the poor as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:43:55Episode 0
Frances & Friends - June 7th, 2016
Episode 0
Pastor Donnie hosts today's program as he and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:36:30Episode 0
Frances & Friends - June 6th, 2016
Episode 0
Sister Frances and the panel discuss relationships and healing as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:44:12Episode 0
Frances & Friends - June 3rd, 2016
Episode 0
John Rosenstern joins Sister Frances and the panel on today's program as they discuss politics and current events.
1:39:30Episode 0
Frances & Friends - June 1st, 2016
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:43:11Episode 0
Frances & Friends - May 31st, 2016
Episode 0
Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls on today's program.
1:41:47Episode 0
Frances & Friends - May 19th, 2016
Episode 0
Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls on today's program.
1:39:50Episode 0
Frances & Friends - May 11th, 2016
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:34:32Episode 0
Frances & Friends - May 10th, 2016
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel discuss Predestination as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:38:13Episode 0
Frances & Friends - May 6th, 2016
Episode 0
John Rosenstern joins Sister Frances and the panel on today's program, as they discuss politics and current events.
1:37:07Episode 0
Frances & Friends - May 5th, 2016
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:42:06Episode 0
Frances & Friends - May 4th, 2016
Episode 0
Dr. Mark David Hall joins Sister Frances and the panel on today's program, as he discuss the Founding Fathers.
1:42:49Episode 0
Frances & Friends - May 3rd, 2016
Episode 0
Pastor Donnie hosts today's program, as he and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:40:43Episode 0
Frances & Friends - April 29th, 2016
Episode 0
On today's program, Pastor Gabe and the panel discuss Prayer, as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:43:18Episode 0
Frances & Friends - April 28th, 2016
Episode 0
Pastor Gabe hosts today's program, as he and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:42:33Episode 0
Frances & Friends - April 27th, 2016
Episode 0
Pastor Gabe hosts today's program, as he and the panel discuss persistent prayer, as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:38:10Episode 0
Frances & Friends - April 26th, 2016
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:42:02Episode 0
Frances & Friends - April 25th, 2016
Episode 0
John Rosenstern joins Sister Frances and the panel on today's program as they continue their discussion on Dominionism, as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:37:09Episode 0
Frances & Friends - April 22nd, 2016
Episode 0
John Rosenstern joins Sister Frances and the panel on today's program as they discuss Dominionism, as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:45:09Episode 0
Frances & Friends - April 21st, 2016
Episode 0
Pastor Matthew Neese joins Sister Frances and the panel on today's program, as they discus PTSD as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:37:12Episode 0
Frances & Friends - April 20th, 2016
Episode 0
William Federer joins Sister Frances and the panel on today's program, as he discusses the History of Christianity.
1:37:22Episode 0
Frances & Friends - April 13th, 2016
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel discuss Salvation, as well as answering your emails and phone calls.