Frances and Friends - November 20th, 2024
Frances & Friends
Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel read Revelation 16:18-19 as they look at God’s judgment and discuss some of the results of the Fall of Man as we are in the last of the last days. The panel discusses bible prophecy and warns believers to be careful of the many false prophets and their teachings that are leading so many astray. All believers are the Bride of Christ; by faith, we are married to Christ. The panel also addresses some of the many questions about angelic beings and what God wills or allows in our lives.
Up Next in Frances & Friends
Frances and Friends - November 19th,...
Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss false doctrine running rampant in the church today. Just as in the days of the Apostle Paul, there are many vain philosophies coming from unsaved individuals teaching Greek and Hebrew in many of our seminaries today. Religion is ali...
Frances and Friends - November 18th,...
Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the faithfulness of the believer and how it results in rewards in heaven. Reading 2nd Corinthians 5:10, the panel explains how all believers will stand one day at the Judgment Seat of Christ, which will not be to take account of sin...
Frances and Friends - November 13th,...
Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the grace of God and how the believer grows in our faith through trials and circumstances. He is a miracle worker, a merciful, healing God. The false doctrine of Cessationism believes that the Lord no longer does miracles or operat...