Generation Of The Cross - March 15th, 2025
Generation of the Cross
PETER WALKING ON THE WATER- Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by Evangelist David Borg and JSBC Professor Dave Watts reading Matthew 14:30. Christians specifically are notorious for criticizing an individual for believing God and for stepping out in faith. Pastor Gabe says he admires anyone who steps out in faith and does something that they feel God called them to do. Whether it’s going to fail or not, you’re willing to take that risk. As believers, we must be willing to take the risk of failure, because sometimes fear can keep us from doing anything for the Lord. Being obedient to the call of the Lord, truly is a walk of faith.
Up Next in Generation of the Cross
Generation Of The Cross - March 8th, ...
PETER WALKING ON THE WATER- Today on the Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by Evangelist David Borg reading in Matthew Chapter fourteen. Peter was willing to take the risk to step out in the storm when everyone else felt like they were better off in the boat. Wherever J...
Generation Of The Cross - February 2...
MIRACLES OF CHRIST- Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by Evangelist David Borg reading Matthew 14:22. Anytime we step out in faith to follow the will of God, we can expect a storm is coming. We wish that we can tell you that the moment that you get saved,...
Generation Of The Cross - February 1...
MIRACLES OF CHRIST- Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC Professor Dave Watts looking at the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke reading in Matthew chapter fourteen. Every believer is not exempt from the storms and the trials of life. The mom...