

6 Seasons

Insight is a daily program that reviews current events from a Biblical perspective. Hosted by John Rosenstern and his son Josh Rosenstern this program is is sure to bring the days events to light in a manner like no other.

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  • Insight - Jun. 10th, 2019

    Episode 1

    Today, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the rise of communist ideas in the United States and deal with the sin of homosexuality. John and Josh as well address President Trump's policy on homosexuality and explain how Christians should approach the issue of homosexuality in America.

  • Insight - Jun. 7th, 2019

    Episode 2

    John and Josh Rosenstern on today's program discuss the issue of business owners declining to participate in homosexual weddings due to their religious convictions and the subsequent backlash to their decisions. John and Josh look at this problem more closely and break down several court cases th...

  • Insight - Jun. 6th, 2019

    Episode 3

    Today, on the anniversary of D Day, John and Josh Rosenstern explain the history of the Normandy invasion, and John shares stories of family members living in France at that time. John and Josh as well explain the importance of respecting veterans for their sacrifices and deals with the issue of ...

  • Insight - Jun. 5th, 2019

    Episode 4

    John and Josh Rosenstern discuss and break down the history of the Six Day War in light of the anniversary of the war's beginning being on June 5th. John and Josh deal with the events of that war and relate them with current events in Israel and the Middle East and the recents efforts to create a...

  • Insight - Jun. 4th, 2019

    Episode 5

    John and Josh Rosenstern on today's program address the news of President Trump's plan to tariff Mexican goods. John and Josh further break down the immigration crisis in the United States and explain how it is vital that the immigration situation be addressed.

  • Insight - May. 31st, 2019

    Episode 6

    Today, John and Josh Rosenstern continue their discussion on the new abortion laws being introduced by several of the state legislatures. John and Josh further deal with what the Nazi party did in Germany and how they dehumanized the Jews and any other undesirables. John and Josh as well emphasiz...

  • Insight - May. 30th, 2019

    Episode 7

    On today's program, John and Josh discuss the rise of state legislatures passing laws restricting abortion and deal with the question of how the Supreme Court will react to these new laws. John and Josh as well address the issue of eugenics and explain how that abortion is a method of eugenics.

  • Insight - May. 28th, 2019

    Episode 8

    Today, John and Josh Rosenstern teach on the Sabbath and explain the Jewish and Biblical interpretations of it. John and Josh as well address how the meaning of the Sabbath has been misinterpreted and misunderstood by Christians over the years.

  • Insight - May. 24th, 2019

    Episode 9

    John and Josh Rosenstern on today's program resume their discussion on the spiritual deception that has been embraced by both the American church denominations and American society in general.

  • Insight - May. 23rd, 2019

    Episode 10

    Today, John and Josh Rosenstern break down the abortion contention in the United States and explain why human life begins at conception. John and Josh further discuss the spiritual deception and the rejection of Jesus Christ that pervades American society today.

  • Insight - May. 22nd, 2019

    Episode 11

    John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the upcoming "Peace to Prosperity" economic summit in Bahrain and how it will affect the economic situation in the Middle East. John and Josh as well explain how the economics of the Muslims in the Middle East affect current events and tie into Bible prophecy.

  • Insight - May. 21st, 2019

    Episode 12

    John and Josh Rosenstern on today's program deal with the nation of Iran. John and Josh explain the history of Iran and how the Iranian people fit into Bible prophecy. John and Josh further break down more of the history of Islam and deal with the Islamic interpretation of the end times.

  • Insight - May. 15th, 2019

    Episode 13

    John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the anniversary of the Israeli Declaration of Independence that originally took place on May 14th, 1948 and further deal with the history of the modern Israeli state. John and Josh as well address the recent remarks made by Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib concerning t...

  • Insight - May 10th, 2019

    Episode 14

    John and Josh Rosenstern on today's program discuss the steady rise of socialist and communist thought in the United States and in the church through the method of social justice. John and Josh as well deal with Satan's efforts to hinder the preaching of the true gospel of Jesus Christ in the Uni...

  • Insight - May, 8th, 2019

    Episode 15

    John Rosenstern hosts today's program by himself and addresses the rising tension between Iran and the United States. John as well breaks down the Islamic view of the end times and further discusses the growing number of Christians in the country of Iran.

  • Insight - May 6th, 2019

    Episode 16

    On today's program, John and Josh Rosenstern break down the recent rocket barrage launched by Hamas from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel. John and Josh as well discuss the reaction to these attacks by some of the radical Democrats in Congress, and John and Josh further present their own thoug...

  • Insight - May 3rd, 2019

    Episode 17

    Today, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the policies of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas and explain the agendas of these organizations. John and Josh as well explain how Islamic doctrine views the purpose of peace treaties.

  • Insight - May. 1st, 2019

    Episode 18

    On today's program, John Rosenstern continues to address the issue of antisemitism. John breaks down and explains Bible prophecy and shows how events prophesied in the Bible relate to current events in the Middle East.

  • Insight - Apr. 30th, 2019

    Episode 19

    Today, John and Josh Rosenstern break down the history of antisemitism and demonstrate how antisemitism pervaded the theology of the early church fathers. For a large amount of church history, many Christians held to the false belief that the church replaced Israel and that Israel no longer facto...

  • Insight - Apr. 29th, 2019

    Episode 20

    John and Josh Rosenstern deal with the recent shooting at a synagogue in Poway, California. John and Josh further address the rise of antisemitism in the United States. They as well discuss the history of the Holocaust.

  • Insight - Apr. 26th, 2019

    Episode 21

    John and Josh Rosenstern today continue their discussion on the Trump administration’s current efforts to create a peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians. John and Josh further break down the history and agendas of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.

  • Insight - Apr. 25th, 2019

    Episode 22

    John and Josh Rosenstern today continue their discussion on the Trump administration’s current efforts to create a peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians. John and Josh further break down the history and agendas of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.

  • Insight - Apr. 24th, 2019

    Episode 23

    John and Josh Rosenstern pick up again their discussion on the recent Islamic terrorist bombings on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka. John and Josh deal with the policy of the United Nations and further break down the problems of political correctness in the United States. They as well discuss more on ...

  • Insight - Apr. 23rd, 2019

    Episode 24

    John and Josh Rosenstern continue their discussion on the recent Islamic terrorist bombings on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka. John reads passages from the Quran and explains why modern radical Muslims do not allegorize the Quran, but instead, they interpret the text literally. John and Josh as well ...