

6 Seasons

Insight is a daily program that reviews current events from a Biblical perspective. Hosted by John Rosenstern and his son Josh Rosenstern this program is is sure to bring the days events to light in a manner like no other.

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  • Insight - Feb. 9th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, Brother John Rosenstern says he is concerned about Christian persecution around the world, as many are being targeted by Muslims, particularly in Western Africa in Nigeria where the worst persecution of Christians take place. Statistics show that since 2009, 50-thousand Christi...

  • Insight - Feb. 8th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Hamas cares about the opinion of the world. We must not be fooled by the call for a ceasefire. Today on Insight, Josh Rosenstern says Hamas has no intention of giving up, but wants to see the eradication of Israel. Hamas wants the land. A ceasefire between Israel and Hamas will only give the t...

  • Insight - Feb. 7th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, Josh Rosenstern discusses the need for believers to pray for the situation in the Middle East, as it is a Spiritual war. Yesterday, President Biden says he blames the border crisis on Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans, as the current administration has allowed one million illega...

  • Insight - Feb. 6th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken is on his fifth regional trip to the Middle East since October the seventh. The meeting begins with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, discussing the hostage situation with Israel and Gaza and a potential ceasefire. Blinken will also mee...

  • Insight - Feb. 5th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the Middle East and the issues that could arise with an Israeli, Hamas ceasefire, and what it would mean down the road. What would a renewed Palestinian Authority look like? Brother Josh says we must stop rewarding terrorists. Israel cannot com...

  • Insight - Feb. 2nd, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss an executive order signed by President Biden regarding the war between Hamas and Israel. The order declares the situation in the West Bank is at an intolerable level in the Middle East region. Looking for equal measures of security in the regio...

  • Insight - Jan. 31st, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, John Rosenstern discusses the FBI and its concerns over the US Southern border. Because the number of illegals coming in is so large, there is no way of vetting all the individuals coming. As a result, we do not know their criminal and health backgrounds. One of the illegals,...

  • Insight - Jan. 30th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, Josh Rosenstern discusses the latest report coming from the Israeli intelligence. A recent report, regarding the United Nations Relief Workers Agency, which addresses all Palestinians as refugees since its inception in 1949, and therefore, focuses their attention to helping the...

  • Insight - Jan. 29th, 2024

    Episode 0

    There have been American casualties at a US Base in Jordan, as Iran denies any involvement. Today on Insight, Josh Rosenstern discusses the response of Congress as the US Army has lost three soldiers. President Biden says there will be some kind of retaliatory response, while others in Congress...

  • Insight - Jan. 26th, 2024

    Episode 0

    How important is Israel to God? Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the recent case before the International Court of Justice, which is the highest international court of the United Nations. South Africa has brought charges against Israel, allegedly charging Israel’s response to ...

  • Insight - Jan. 25th, 2024

    Episode 0

    What shall the righteous do? Today on Insight, John Rosenstern discusses America’s failure to stand on the things of God and His Word. We see political candidates anchoring their campaigns on pro-abortion platforms. The judgment of God is being restrained because of the church and its praying ...

  • Insight - Jan. 24th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the United States’ involvement in foreign wars, militarily and financially. It is estimated Hamas takes in 8 to 12 million dollars a month from “online charitable organizations”; much of which, comes from aid and funding that is traded or given ...

  • Insight - Jan. 23rd, 2024

    Episode 0

    224 Israeli soldiers have died since the war with Hamas began on October seventh. Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the some 20 Israeli reserve soldiers who are the latest casualties by Hamas bombing. A temporary ceasefire is still being discussed with an effort to get more hos...

  • Insight - Jan. 22nd, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, John Rosenstern discusses the World Economic Forum in Switzerland where world leaders have come together to discuss the world’s problems across the board and some possible solutions. A world carbon tax is on the list that would tax all environmental offenders. Brother John war...

  • Insight - Jan. 12th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the war between the Saudi government and the Yemeni Houthis is getting more violent. The United States and Britain launched a rage of air missiles on the Iran backed Houthis terrorists in Yemen. The presence of the Houthi movement has been longs...

  • Insight - Jan. 11th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss America's Affordable Care Act, as enrollment for it will close soon. There have been some 20-million people who have signed up thus far for the government assistance that provides health insurance. Brother Josh says this is concerning. With re...

  • Insight - Jan. 10th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, John and John Rosenstern discuss the attempt to form Palestinian Statehood, i.e., a two state solution, as the US Secretary of State is suggesting during his visit to the Middle East The recent Pro-Palestinian rallies in the United States show sympathy for the situation in Gaza ...

  • Insight - Jan. 9th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s tour in the Middle East. In a recent response to Pro-Palestinian protesters, in Charleston South Carolina, President Biden said he is quietly working with Israel to reduce the presence of the Israeli Defen...

  • Insight - Jan. 8th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the G-7 Summit coming together, as world leaders are showing their concern over Iran and Israel’s standing in the Middle East. Today, US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken is visiting Israel today. Brother John asks if the talk of Iran’s involv...

  • Insight - Jan. 5th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the US Secretary of State’s visit to the Middle East, to discuss a two state solution concept. Israel has had much success in her war with Hamas, as many of the underground tunnels, used by Hamas have been destroyed. The concern is who can gove...

  • Insight - Jan. 4th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the Hamas-Israeli war, where the number of casualties grows, totalling some 700 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7th, and many dying in the ground incursion in Gaza. There are still at least a dozen US citizens in Gaza. In recent days, a t...

  • Insight - Jan. 3rd, 2024

    Episode 0

    There were 73 million abortions recorded throughout the world over the last year. This statistic breaks God heart. Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss this statistic and how it will play out in the next Presidential election. Christians need to seek God for guidance, and must st...

  • STI-061024

    Episode 0