EVEN SO, COME LORD JESUS, THE RAPTURE IS COMING SOON- Jesus said, let not your heart be troubled. I go to prepare a place for you, means I’m coming again to bring you to this place I have prepared for you. Tonight at Resurrection Camp meeting Pastor Carl Brown preaches from John 14:1-6. Brother Brown says the church needs to wake up to the signs of the times and get back to the Word of God and the Message of the Cross. In Matthew 24:1, Jesus said when He returns, we must take heed that no man deceive us. We are seeing the signs of end times, surrounded by deception and civil unrest. Darkness is prevailing because light is not shining like it should. We have confusion and manufactured racism; the evil one is trying to produce a world without God. But be encouraged, Jesus is coming back for His church without spot or wrinkle. It’s time to get ready; can you say, Amen, come Lord Jesus?
P&W Leader:
Jill Swaggart
He Took My Sins Away
Yes I Know
Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus
Change My Heart Oh God
Jesus Be Jesus In Me
When God Dips His Love In My Heart
Precious Lord Take My Hand
Soloist: Kim Coleman & Randy Knaps
The Midnight Cry
I’m Going On With Jesus
Up Next in 2022
April 17th, 2022 - 10:00am Service
WHY SEEK YE THE LIVING AMONG THE DEAD- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches from Luke 24:1-6. The Resurrection separates Christianity from all other religions because our Savior lives; death could not hold Jesus Christ in the grave. There is no power greater than Resu...
April 16th, 2022 - 7:00pm Service
THE COMMAND, THE COVENANT, AND THE COMMISSION- Tonight at Resurrection Camp meeting, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Acts 1:4-5, & 8. Jesus said you shall receive power. We need to have a resolve to receive the blessings of God. God will accept our faith; nothing else is needed. Pas...
April 16th, 2022 - 2:00pm Service
WEEP NOT, AND ARISE- Today at Resurrection Camp meeting, Pastor Josh Rosenstern preaches from Luke 7:11-15. As Jesus comes upon a funeral in Nain, he tells the widow woman, who’s adult son has just died to weep not. She was already a widow, and now to lose her son; all her hope and prosperity w...