THE FIVE BLESSINGS- Tonight Pastor Gabriel Swaggart kicks off Camp meeting 2023 with a powerful message on the blessings of God. Reading 2 Chronicles 26:16-23, he has encouragement and a warning for believers as he shares the tragic story of King Uzziah, son of Amaziah, both reigned over Judah. While doing right in the eyes of God, God helped Uzziah, but he had a divided heart. When he sought the Lord he prospered. Reading Deuteronomy 28:1-11, Pastor Gabe encourages us to harken unto God's voice, for His blessings will chase us down. Our blessing is coming through. But take heed to not take credit when the blessings begin, for pride is an abomination to God. Uzziah, in pride, burned incense on the altar, which was the duty of the high priest. The high priest is a type of Christ. He is our intercessor, but here, Uzziah said, I don’t need an intercessor. Uzziah rose up in pride, and he died a leper. Only Christ’s intercessory work at Calvary can save humanity; believe on Him, and live.
He Looked Beyond My Fault
I’ll Fly Away
Blessed Assurance
P&W Leader:
Robin Herd
Jesus Messiah
All Is Well
At The Cross
Because He Lives
He’s My Lord
I Thank You Lord
After Choir:
Winds Of This World
Come Ye Sinners
Kim Coleman
The Holy City
Robin Herd
Jesus Got A Hold Of My Life
Mercy Rewrote My Life
Jimmy Swaggart
Lord I’m Coming Home
Jesus I’ll Never Forget