Mar. 31st, 2021 - 7:00pm Service
Camp Meeting
I’ve Left This Pea Patch For The Last Time— Tonight Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from 2 Samuel 23:11-12, warning of the enemy territory within the promise land, i.e. the Philistines. Pastor Gabe shares how this typifies that there is an internal foe of every believer. We find David running from Saul, pleading insanity, but the Philistines knew he defeated Goliath. Pastor Gabe says the greatest attack to the believer comes from within. It’s our flesh(self), if you will. God does not intend for any believer to live a defeated life. The Israelites ran in fear, allowing the Philistines to steal their pea patch that they had labored so hard over. Shammah, Eleazar and Adino took a stand and defeated the foes; Shammah saying, never again. As believers, we must protect our faith, and be determined to know only Christ Crucified when our faith is tested. Pastor Gabe reminds us, the victory that we seek is found only in the Cross.