UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH- Come Holy Spirit and revive your church today. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Don Paul Gray reads from the Books of Matthew, Luke, and Acts teaching on God’s prescribed order for the church. Following His crucifixion, Jesus commanded His followers to go wait and be endued with power from on high; then, we see the preaching of Peter and John intensify with thousands of salvations and many healings as a result. Dr. Gray walks us through the ministries of William Seymour and Charles Parham in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s where we see their contributions in the spread of early Pentecostalism and the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the Azusa Street Revival. Believers today need to know and embrace what God intended for His church and get back to trusting in the power of God.
Up Next in 2025
Sunday Evening Service - January 26th...
PENTECOST, ONE MORE TIME- Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Don Paul Gray reads Luke 24:49, Acts 1:48, and Zechariah 4:6 as he walks us through the Pentecostal movement. Dr. Gray reminds us of the many miracles and infilling of the Holy Spirit where He moved mightily on tens of thousand...
Sunday Evening Service - January 19th...
I CAN’T QUIT- Tonight at Family Worship Center, Guest Evangelist Chresten Tomlin from Tulsa Oklahoma reads Galatians 6:9 preaching on the believer’s full commitment to the Lord. No matter the trials that come our way, we must not quit. We are soldiers in His army; He made a promise to us, and...
Sunday Evening Service - January 12t...
UNDERSTANDING THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY- God is three persons in one, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Tonight at Family Worship Center, JSBC Professor Dave Watts reads John 5:17-18 teaching on the trinity. Brother Watts shares of the many false teachings, dating back t...