Sunday Morning Service
7 Seasons
The SonLife Broadcasting Network features the Family Worship Center Church services, a multi-cultural, non-denominational congregation. Drawing congregants from all ages, ethnic backgrounds, social backgrounds and classes, this unique Church offers an opportunity for everyone to feel welcome and a part of something very special. The state of the art facility provides opportunity for an interactive experience which allows the viewer to feel like they were right there with the other congregants. Services include both music and messages that are sure to reach out and lift up the viewer and give them hope and inspiration in a much needed way. Numerous people view the services live on a weekly basis and consider these services as their home church. With a continuous compliment of ministers and speakers, Family Worship Center Live will always bring an assortment of style and content sure to keep the viewers attention.
Sunday Morning Service - June 27th, 2021
Episode 0
DAVID’S ANOINTED MEN— America needs more men and women, called by God, who understand what the church in America needs today. Today Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches on David’s mighty men, in II Samuel 23:20-23. Pastor Donnie says these men were mighty because God was with them. Be encouraged to...
Sunday Morning Service - June 20th, 2021
Episode 0
WHERE ARE THE FATHERS?— As believers we are to mature in grace and knowledge in Christ, while ever learning, but never leaving that simplicity we found when we first believed. Today Pastor Loren Larson preaches from 1 John 2:12-14, instructing on how the church needs more “fathers”. Just as Jo...
Sunday Morning Service - June 13th, 2021
Episode 0
GOD’S WORKMANSHIP WITH A PURPOSE— Salvation cannot be earned. Today Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Ephesians 2:8-10, reminding us of the grace of God that is found at the Cross. If we believe in the redemption plan of God, and not of our own efforts and works, we will see the Holy Spiri...
Sunday Morning Service - June 6th, 2021
Episode 0
IT IS MARVELOUS IN OUR EYES— Christ never slept in Jerusalem, as He wasn’t welcomed there. The spiritual leaders hated Him. Today Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches from Mark 12:10-11, teaching from the first parable from Christ to His disciples in Jerusalem just before His crucifixion. Brother ...
Sunday Morning Service - May 30th, 2021
Episode 0
GOD’S REDEMPTION PLAN— No one has impacted this world more than Jesus Christ. Today Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from John 1:29; behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. No one is like Jesus, no one spoke like Him or performed miracles like Him. He is the Son of God, t...
Sunday Morning Service - May 23rd, 2021
Episode 0
THE THREE REVELATIONS OF JESUS CHRIST— God loves to bless His children. Today Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches from Mark 5:35-37, preaching on how correct faith justifies, sanctifies, and can keep the Christian at the Cross. Brother Donnie tells us of the power, the glory, and the suffering of ...
Sunday Morning Services - May 16th, 2021
Episode 0
JESUS CHRIST, THE SOURCE OF OUR HEALING— Today Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Luke 4:38-39, as Jesus Christ heals Simon Peter’s mother-in-law. Have you been waiting on a healing from the Lord? Pastor Gabe encourages us to not give up on God. He is more than able, and this could be the ...
Sunday Morning Service - May 9th, 2021
Episode 0
SHEEP HAVING NO SHEPHERD— Today Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches from Mark 6:31-34, proclaiming that all sheep need a shepherd; for all men have a physical and Spiritual need. The greatest need of man was met at the Cross; the only place sin can be addressed. Pastors, and the church must witnes...
Sunday Morning Service - May 2nd, 2021
Episode 0
SHOUT-THE WALLS OF JERICHO ARE COMING DOWN— Today Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Joshua 6:1-5, preaching on how the Lord told Joshua of the victory of the city of Jericho before it actually happened. What is your Jericho standing in the way of the promises of God? Pastor Gabe encourage...
Sunday Morning Service - Apr. 25th, 2021
Episode 0
SANCTIFICATION— In the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God; today SANCTIFICATION— In the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God; today Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart preaches from 1Corinthians 6:11. Everything in our lives must line up with the Word of God; when it ...
Sunday Morning Service - Apr. 18th, 2021
Episode 0
GRAPES, GREAT CITIES, GIANTS, AND GRASSHOPPERS— Today Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches from Numbers 13:23-33, encouraging us to not delay the plan God has for our lives. He shares how the Israelites delayed entering into the Promise Land by some 38 years due to their disobedience. We must learn...
Sunday Morning Service - Apr. 11th, 2021
Episode 0
MAN’S PERSPECTIVE IS NOT GOD’S PERSPECTIVE— Today Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from 1 Samuel 16:1-2; comparing the church today to the story of the prophet Samuel mourning over the situation before him. The Israelites wanted a king as the other nations, they wanted Saul; but it was never Go...
Sunday Morning Service - Mar. 21st, 2021
Episode 0
THE COMFORTER PART II— The moment we give our hearts to Jesus, we are worthy of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Today Pastor Donnie Swaggart encourages all believers who have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit to do so, because this is the progression God wills for all His children. B...
Sunday Morning Service - Mar. 14th, 2021
Episode 0
THE COMFORTER— Nothing but the blood of Jesus; today Pastor Donnie Swaggart shares the life story of Edward Garlock. Born in 1868, Garlock's testimony encourages the believer that God can turn even the worst of life’s circumstances around. Brother Garlock was facing death, with some of the mos...
Sunday Morning Service - Mar. 7th, 2021
Episode 0
PREACHING DELIVERANCE— I hear those chains falling! Today Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Luke 4:16-19. He reminds us, that all believers have a calling to reach souls for Christ. Pastor Gabe says our daily prayer should be, please Lord, open a door for me today to share the Gospel. Pr...
Sunday Morning Service - Feb. 28th, 2021
Episode 0
The Purpose and Ministry of Jesus- Now is the time to share the Gospel like never before. Today Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Luke 4:16-18, reminding how it was the custom of Jesus to go to the synagogue; and just as He needed to be there, so do we today. The church is the body of Chri...
Sunday Morning Service - Feb. 21st, 2021
Episode 0
GO TELL— Jesus said, I am the Resurrection and the life, all who are saved are coming out of the grave. Today Pastor Donnie Swaggart encourages us on how the power of God will meet our every need, preaching from Mark 5:18-19. He shares how the Lord delivered Legion, the demoniac, from thousand...
Sunday Morning Service - Jan. 31st, 2021
Episode 0
FRUSTRATING THE GRACE OF GOD—Jesus is our advocate with the Father. Today Pastor Gabriel Swaggart, preaches on Galatians 2:16-21. He reminds us that when we believe on the blood of Jesus for our lives, God sees us as not guilty, innocent; as if, we had never sinned. We must not forget who we ...
Sunday Morning Service - Jan. 24th, 2021
Episode 0
PULLING DOWN STRONGHOLDS— The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. Today Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart preaches from 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Brother Swaggart reminds us that because we have believed on Jesus Christ and His finished work on Calvary’s Cross, we are soldiers in God’s army. We are al...
Sunday Morning Service - Jan. 17th, 2021
Episode 0
The Love Of God — We are finite beings, so how can we comprehend the infinite love of God? Today Pastor Donnie Swaggart addresses that question as he preaches from John 3:16. He shares the song, the ‘Love of God’, written in 1917; with the words “His erring child, He reconciled” and "redeemin...
Sunday Morning Service - Jan. 10th, 2021
Episode 2
LIVING A CROSS CENTERED LIFE— Today Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Romans 6:11, continuing his series on how the believer is to disengage from the nature of sin we are born with. Scripture tells us we are dead unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ. Pastor Gabe reminds the st...
Sunday Morning Service - Jan. 3rd, 2021
Episode 1
GOOD NEWS— Today Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches from Mark 1:1, The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the son of God, the ministry of John the Baptist. We must proclaim the Gospel; Jesus is coming back. Brother Donnie reminds us that there is nothing greater. During the 400 years from...