THE GREAT INVITATION-THIS IS NOT A SCAM- Believers have been bought with a very high price, by the blood of Jesus. Today At Family Worship Center, Guest Evangelist Chresten Tomlin from Tulsa Oklahoma reads Isaiah 55:1-8 teaching on the hand of protection God has on the Christian. Because of Christ’s finished work on the Cross, everyone has the opportunity to say yes to Jesus and be adopted into the family of God. If we say yes to His invitation, we will step into the living water that provides everything we need. In Christ, He offers us a more abundant life for eternity. This is a great invitation.
Up Next in 2025
Sunday Morning Service - January 12t...
RICH IN MERCY- The symbol of God’s mercy is the Cross, for every drop of Christ’s blood at Calvary was a drop of mercy. Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart reads Ephesians 2:1-5 teaching on the mercy of God. Brother Donnie shares the story of professional baseball great, Bi...
Sunday Morning Service - January 5th...
GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD- Prayer changes things. Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart reads Matthew 6:9-15 as he continues his study on prayer looking at the Sermon on the Mount. God is the Father of every believer. We are His children, and we pray to Him as our He...