The great day of His wrath is coming, will you be found ready for the rapture? Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss how man fell from God conscienceness to man conscienceness with the fall in the garden. The fall didn’t just affect man, but it affected everything in the earth. But one glorious day, peace will reign on this earth when Christ’s comes back after the Great Tribulation. Brother Swaggart encourages believers, the Redemptive act of Calvary will show forth like never before when the original creation will be brought back to perfection in the Kingdom age to come; we then will see heaven on earth. To understand the depths of the Fall of Adam and Eve, we only need to look at the great price that had to be paid on The Cross to redeem fallen man.
Up Next in 2020
The Message Of The Cross - Aug. 12th,...
Before the fall, the ground brought fruit. After the fall, the ground brought weeds. In the ground of our heart, weeds will grow by default. Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss how everything changed when Adam harkend unto Eve instead of God in the garden. Th...
The Message Of The Cross - Aug 11th, ...
They’ll study war no more, that’s what will be in the second coming of Christ. Today on The Message Of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the ills and sorrows we see on the earth today, and how Satan steals, kills and destroys. Brother Swaggart says the evil we see will be no more af...
The Message Of The Cross - Aug 10th, ...
We are closer to the 2nd Coming of Christ then ever before. After the rapture and the tribulation, Christ is coming to fight the Battle of Armageddon, and defeat the antichrist. Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss 1 John 3. The Bible says when He shall appear,...