The mystery of the Trinity may be difficult to grasp for the human mind, but the scripture manifests it to us. Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the Doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we are born again, we are saved by our faith being placed in Christ’s finished work at Calvary. That must take place in the heart this side of heaven, if not, one is lost forever. All who are lost will face Him at the Great White Throne Judgment where it will be too late to make heaven. The Old Covenant shows us the magnitude of the Cross to come. Then, Israel only had the law, with the sacrificial system being their answer for sin and having relationship with God. Brother Josh says Christ fulfilled all the law with the New Covenant; our relationship is now, by faith alone, In Christ. In John 14, Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life. When we see Jesus, we see the Father.
Up Next in 2020
The Message Of The Cross - Oct. 9th, ...
Jesus Christ is God! Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the Doctrine of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus was one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man. When Christ became man, He laid aside HIs expression of Deity, while never losing His possession of Hi...
The Message Of The Cross - Oct. 8th, ...
There are two types of people, either you are saved or you’re not. Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss heaven and hell. Adam and Eve had an opportunity to see what life is like operating truly by the Spirit of God without a sin nature; but desiring to be like G...
The Message Of The Cross - Oct. 7th, ...
If we will accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we will be in that heavenly city forever and forever. Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the New Jerusalem. Brother John reminds that preferring earthly things, over the things of God, will only result in ...