The Lord told Abraham to go to Canaan. Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart asked why would the Lord send Abraham into this dangerous land of enemies? Abraham built an altar there, but then travelled to Egypt. Brother Josh asks why did Abraham go to Egypt when God didn’t tell him to go there? He likens this disobedience to the church today. Brother Swaggart says these situations come for our spiritual growth and the strengthening of our faith; and for chastisement when we are not being obedient. We must ask the Lord to give us strength to learn what He is teaching us. Everything that happens to the child of God is allowed by the Lord, and He has a purpose for everything that He does. The church has drifted, and therefore we see the current situation in America today. Brother Swaggart says the church must clean up it’s idol worship. The Lord is patient and merciful, but He won’t put up with the sin of His children forever. Brother John shares Jeremiah 29:11, where we see God’s pattern of bringing us through the valleys as He judges sin to bring the believer to the knowledge of the Cross to live victoriously.
Up Next in 2020
The Message Of The Cross - Aug. 31st,...
As Noah’s sacrifice went up, it was a sweet smelling savor unto the Lord. Is the Cross that sweet to you? Is it a sweet savor, or is it an obnoxious odor? Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss how Jesus Christ lifts man out of the bondage of evil. It is the on...
The Message Of The Cross - Aug, 28th,...
Noah stepped off the Ark and built an altar unto the Lord. Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss how the judgment of God had brought Noah to this place. Without God there is no life, and there is no way. The Ark was the biggest ship ever built up until World War...
The Message Of The Cross - Aug. 27th,...
If you obey the Lord, you will be blessed; without God, you cannot do well. Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the sin offering that lie at the door for Cain, as God was giving Cain another chance to bring the right sacrifice. Under the New Covenant, Brother L...