Faith has always been how God deals with His humanity. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart welcomes Evangelist Jason Poole to the panel as they read Galatians 3:10 discussing salvation by faith in Christ alone. In the Old Covenant, believers were looking for a Messiah, and they believed that the sacrificial blood was necessary for the atonement of sin; however, so few knew that the animal blood then was a type and shadow of the blood of Christ to come. All believers must come to the understanding of the depths that the Cross of Christ affords us; we are washed, sanctified, and justified when we are born again. In the midst of the battle of the good fight of faith, we can rest in the finished work of Christ, and hold on to it; the Holy Spirit will fight on our behalf. We have victory when our faith is anchored in Christ.
Up Next in 2022
The Message Of The Cross - Nov. 23rd,...
Man can only be under law or grace. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Galatians 3:10 discussing how there is no justification under the law because man cannot perfectly keep the whole law. Any man who thinks they can keep the law or tries to keep it by ...
The Message Of The Cross - Nov. 22nd,...
We must not frustrate the grace of God, for if righteousness comes by the law Christ has died in vain. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel continue their study of the Book of Galatians discussing Christ’s atonement for all sin. Brother Swaggart says God will n...
The Message Of The Cross - Nov. 21st,...
Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel welcome missionary Roger Mattox of Oasis International Ministries. Through his ministry, Pastor Mattox has distributed thousands of Expositor’s Study Bibles and taken the gospel all over America and Africa. Today the panel c...