The Message Of The Cross - June 21st, 2022
The Message of The Cross
When will the rapture occur? The exact time is not known, but the Book of Revelation does give us some indication of the events that will lead up to the second coming of the Lord. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the end of the church age when true believers in the church are raptured; then, the Antichrist will be revealed. For those who are left behind, it will be the worst time for a human to be alive. Brother Watts says waiting for the opportunity to be saved during the Great Tribulation is a great risk to take; while there will be many Great Tribulation Saints, that time will be such a dark, evil time, and not all will be able to hold out under the pressure. Looking at the darkness in the world today with the church present, though it be weak, imagine the darkness to come when that light is gone. The preaching of the Word of God is the only restraining force that holds back the powers of evil and lawlessness. Faith in Christ and His finished work on the Cross is our only assurance that we are ready to escape this evil time to come and make heaven for all eternity.
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