The Message Of The Cross - Apr. 13th, 2022
The Message of The Cross
God placed His name on Israel. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss the importance of Israel today to the world. In end times, the Antichrist will do his best to annihilate God’s people, but the Battle of Armageddon will result in the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ who will defeat the Antichrist. Brother Swaggart says we can be sure; God’s Word is going to be carried out. The Kingdom Age will follow this victory and will be a remarkable time without war and heartache. Israel will finally repent and cry for God’s mercy, and they will accept Christ as their Messiah. God will honor that repentance. Jesus Christ will be King on His throne in Jerusalem; because He lives they shall live also. The New Covenant supersedes what was laid out in the law of old. The New Covenant says to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and that is to love Jesus Christ who fulfilled the will of the Father.
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