The Message Of The Cross - Aug. 24th, 2021
The Message of The Cross
If man does not repent of sin, he creates a chasm between himself and God. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss how the blood of Jesus justifies us; all we have to do to receive God’s forgiveness for our sin is to ask. The panel discusses how the Grace Revolution movement wrongly teaches that the Holy Spirit does not convict us of our sin because we are covered by grace. Brother Larson says the message of faith and grace properly taught is the message of the Cross, which doesn’t give us a green light to sin. Brother Watts says the message of the Cross is a sanctifying message; Christ died not to save us in our sin, but to save us from our sin. The end result of having our faith anchored in the finished work of Christ is a victorious Christian life not dominated by sin.
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