The Message of the Cross - Aug. 3rd, 2023
The Message of The Cross
The premiere purpose of the church is to take the gospel to the world. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss sowing to the Spirit versus sowing to the flesh. Many believers are being deceived to think they can work out their salvation and their sanctification. The panel welcomes Pastor Joey Rogers from Pace Assembly in Pace Florida. Brother Swaggart encourages us that anchored faith in Christ and Him crucified is our only answer. Christ died to set us free from all oppression that comes our way from the devil who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy the believer. Pastor Rogers says this is a process of renewing our minds to what Christ has done and getting our eyes off of what we do. Christ paid it all at Calvary’s Cross. When we rest in the Cross, the Holy Spirit is our helper; He will transform us into the image of Jesus Christ.
Up Next in The Message of The Cross
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