The Message Of The Cross - Dec. 20th, 2023
The Message of The Cross
Today on The Message of the Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the will of God in our lives. Trusting in Christ, no matter the tribulation, will result in what God wants to occur in our lives. Reading Romans 8:28, scripture tells us that all things will work together for good. Brother Smith encourages us that in every problem there is an opportunity. We see just that in the life of the Apostle Paul as he waited, and trusted on God all throughout his ministry. Nothing in my hand I bring, only to the Cross I cling.
Up Next in The Message of The Cross
The Message Of The Cross - Dec. 19th,...
Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Ephesians 3:13 discussing Paul¹s writings from prison to the people. Brother Swaggart points out how the Apostle never complained to God about his circumstances, but rather thanked God for all that He was doing in his li...
The Message Of The Cross - Dec. 18th,...
Today on The Message Of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the Great Day of Atonement. The Old Covenant sacrifices were all type and shadow of the slain Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, who would come to take away the sins of the world. Brother Larson explains the challenge that th...
The Message of the Cross - Dec. 8th, ...
Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Ephesians 3:10 discussing angels and how God empowers these beings. The Apostle Paul here is speaking of the righteous angels of God, and not the evil third that threw in their lot with Lucifer when he fell. When Christ...