The Message of the Cross - Dec. 7th, 2023
The Message of The Cross
Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel recognize National Pearl Harbor Day, remembering with honor the some 2,400 Americans who lost their lives that day that will never be forgotten in 1941. US forces were surprise attacked by Japanese forces at Pearl Harbor 82 years ago. Reading Ephesians 3:9, discussing the early church and Paul’s teachings to bring Jews and Gentiles on to one playing field. The law had separated, and Paul was challenged to preach the fellowship of the New Covenant to graft the Gentile in; it was whosoever will, come take of the water of life freely. The believer today is to dig as well to come to the understanding of this mystery that we are all united in Jesus, with there being no separation of all men who are in Christ.
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