The Message Of The Cross - Feb. 21st, 2022
The Message of The Cross
Today on The Message of the Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel welcome Brother Kody Barbier, a missionary to Kenya as he explains the process of getting the Word of God out to some of the most remote areas of Africa. Brother Barbier says of the 55-million people in Kenya, forty percent are evangelicals. He and his wife Meaghan have helped distribute some 125-thousand Expositor’s Study Bibles to Africa, as well as some 20-thousand New Testament Bibles to African prisons. Brother Swaggart reminds of the needed infilling of the Holy Spirit power to get this missionary work done. Brother Kody couldn’t agree more, because Kenyans see evil powers everyday. He says missionaries in Africa must know, and have the power of God to reign over such darkness. The gospel must go forth for the great harvest of souls to be brought in.
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