The Message Of The Cross - Jan. 14th, 2022
The Message of The Cross
Victory over sin cannot be found by trusting in our own strength. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss victorious Christian living, which is found by walking after the Spirit and not by the flesh. The Holy Spirit will work on a believer’s behalf when the Cross of Jesus Christ is the object of our faith; then the Holy Spirit is our power source, and He will transform us. The Holy Spirit is the source of all blessings, and the Cross is the means by which all blessings are given. The Holy Spirit could not come into the life of a believer until Christ died and atoned for all sin. Now Christ can abide in us and take care of the clinging vines of the fall of man. Pastor Ragan explains the person of the Holy Spirit; and says we must learn more about the Pentecostal message, learning that not every reference in the bible to the Holy Spirit is referring to the baptism of the Holy Spirit; but rather, many times is speaking of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling that comes at salvation.
Up Next in The Message of The Cross
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