The Message Of The Cross - Jul. 1st, 2020
The Message of The Cross
They’ll study war no more. The desert will blossom as the rose. Today on The Message of the Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the coming Kingdom Age. Animals will revert back as they were before the Fall. Lions and lambs will lie together, as meat eating animals will only eat vegetation again, and venomous creatures will no longer be poisonous. Not only does the animal kingdom change, but there will be no more war. There was no war while Jesus walked this earth; but since then, war has raged. God gave dominion to Adam with the creation of man, but once he fell in the garden and sin came in, that dominion shifted to Satan. With Satan having dominion over the systems of this world, he has lied and deceived so many, even in the church. Brother Muzzerall says the cry of the church should be, Lord use me today, we must have a humble heart to share the true Gospel. Brother Josh reminds we are in this world, but we are not to be of this world. We are in Christ, and the Bible holds the answer for everything. Brother Larson says to solve the problems of man, preach the Cross so man can come into the Dominion that God has for all who will receive Christ Crucified.
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