The Message Of The Cross - Mar. 31st, 2022
The Message of The Cross
Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel welcome Abbeville Pastor Kenny Flaming. Pastor Flaming just returned from Pakistan where his team delivered hundreds of Expositor’s Study bibles along with flash drives of Bible downloads translated in the native language, Urdu. Brother Flaming says while Pakistan is 97-percent Muslim there are still some 350-thousand hungry Christians desiring more of the Word of God. Reading from Exodus chapter five, the panel discusses Satan’s efforts to move the believer's faith from the Cross of Christ by bringing on discouragement and trials. Satan will increase the pressure on the life of a believer in an effort to get us off track from the truth we have found. We see this during the time of the Israelites nearing deliverance and Pharaoh added to their workload by making them collect their own straw to make bricks. Sometimes the greatest challenges come right before our biggest victories in the Lord. We must keep our faith anchored in the victory of Christ on Calvary’s Cross, then the Holy Spirit will work on our behalf. This is our blessed assurance where we will find rest.
Up Next in The Message of The Cross
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