The Message Of The Cross - Mar. 8th, 2022
The Message of The Cross
Weep not, and be not discouraged; today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel welcome special guests, Pastor Bill Bailey, from Bradenton Florida and Pastor Tommy Bates, from Independence Kentucky. Studying the Doctrine of the Cross, the slain Lamb alone has redeemed all things. Through the Cross, the believer can have total dominion over the powers of darkness. The Holy Spirit functions in two aspects in our life and living; at salvation we are washed, justified, and sanctified. He is present now in our life’s to give us victory over all powers of darkness. We must anchor our faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. This is the only way for the believer to be transformed into the image of Christ. God wants us to have victory, not by our own efforts, but by the power of the Holy Spirit that lives inside us. Jesus Christ atoned for all sin on the Cross. The Bible does not teach sinless perfection, but sin is not to have dominion over the life of the believer. Our hope is in Christ.
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