Originally aired - Nov. 21st, 2019
Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and the panel share how the power of God can remove all fear from a believer’s heart. Encouragement comes in scripture John 14:27, of how God’s Word offers this promise. Brother Larson shares his personal testimony of how the Lord set him free from the bondage of drugs and alcohol. The panel lays out the addiction path of how drugs and alcohol can take even a believer to places they never thought they could go. Alcohol is called a spirit, because it takes a person away from the true Spirit. Brother Dave Smith asks, when life gets tough, what do you turn to? Dr. Don Paul Gray says guilt and shame need to be given to the Lord, but all too often people turn away from God because of their shame.
Up Next in 2022
A Study In The Word - Jan. 13th, 2022
Originally aired - Nov. 20th,2019.
Peace is something all Christians should have, but many don’t. Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and the panel help us to understand why we, as believers, struggle to find the peace that we should have in Christ. In Philippians 4:6, Brother Bob Co... -
A Study In The Word - Jan. 12th, 2022
Do you suffer from depression? Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss depression and oppression. Brother Swaggart explains the hopelessness of oppression and the darkness of depression. Brother Bob Cornell says external events can bring oppression, while then depressi...
A Study In The Word - Jan. 11th, 2022
Originally aired Nov. 18th, 2019.
Today on A Study In The Word Brother Swaggart and the panel explain the difference between justifying peace and sanctifying peace. Anyone who doesn’t know God, Brother Swaggart says they will have an animosity between themselves and God. God feels this more tha...