Originally aired Nov 29th, 2019.
Why did Satan fall from his lofty position that he had with God? Isaiah 14:12-14 explains in scripture of that time that Lucifer was a beautiful, talented angel; but he fell, and led a rebellion with one-third of the angels that followed. It was a prideful move, as Satan wanted to be like God. Brother Dave Smith says Satan has always been determined to destroy God’s promises but every time he has failed; and he will continue to fail. Brother Bob Cornell says the power behind the lies of Satan shows us how powerful of a liar Satan is; if he can deceive one third of the angels who knew God’s power first hand, he is deceiving others to this day.
Up Next in 2022
A Study In The Word - Jan. 27th, 2022
Originally aired Nov. 28th, 2019
Do you understand why Satan is referred to as the prince of this world? Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and the panel, discuss scripture that explains the origins of Lucifer. God’s creation of Lucifer was one of beauty and talent as he was a power... -
A Study In The Word - Jan. 26th, 2022
Originally aired Nov. 27th, 2019
Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and the panel discuss John 14:28, explaining how during the incarnation Christ never ceased to be deity, but never performed as deity; following the will of the Father. In discussing the Trinity, Brother Bob Cornell ... -
A Study In The Word - Jan. 25th, 2022
Originally aired Nov. 27th, 2019
Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and the panel discuss Pre-Pentecost, Holy Spirit power. Before Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was working for the Apostles on a temporary basis. Brother Larson says they were yet to have the permanent, indwelling presenc...