Originally aired Nov. 5th, 2019
Today on A Study in The Word, Brother Jimmy Swaggart explains that every person must acknowledge Jesus Christ at some point in their life. If they don’t here on this earth, they will eventually, when they meet Him at the Great White Throne Judgment. Brother Swaggart implores, this is not a place anyone would want to be. When Jesus said, you shall know that I am in my Father; this angered the Pharisees, because this statement goes against what the religious believed, which was they did not believe Jesus was God, and this statement said He was. Brother Bob Cornell explains what Satan knew about the death of Christ, but he didn’t believe it would really happen. He explains the demonic activity behind what was going on the day Jesus was crucified, when the crowds were yelling Crucify Him, and said if you are the son of God come down off that Cross. Isaiah 53:10 says it pleased the Lord to bruise Him. The panel goes on to clarify verse John 14:18-20 and how we are no match for the devil, but with Jesus within us, that means we are more than conquerors IN Christ, despite Satan’s ongoing efforts to stop the plan of God.