Like no other prophet, Daniel saw the future regarding world empires and how they would affect the work of God. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the other prophets of God as well, and how they were used mightily and saw great things. Brother Swaggart asks, how much does God guide the affairs of believers today? Is He involved in every single thing that we do? How far does that go? And even when we miss His will, He’s still very active in the outcome of our lives. Discussing the details of Judah losing her way during the time of Josiah, with a shallow consecration and a false revival; similarly denominations that once touched this world no longer seem to have the impact they once had. Brother Swaggart asks, why would the modern church adopt the ways of men and forsake the ways of God?
Up Next in 2020
A Sutdy In The Word - Nov. 3rd, 2020
During the time of Daniel, Israel lost her way and began worshiping idols as the other nations of the world did. Today on A Study in The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read from Daniel 1:1, discussing the great prophet and statesman. Daniel told more about coming Empires and what wou...
A Study In The Word - Feb. 10th, 2020
The Holy Spirit will reveal to the church what Christ did at the Cross. Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss judgment, and how, thank God, our sins are judged at Calvary’s Cross. The Blood of Jesus is strong to cleanse. No matter how weak one’s faith is, or how much ...
A Study in the Word - Feb. 7th, 2020
Do you think God is disappointed with your sin? On A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss how the Holy Spirit convicts the world and the believer of sin. Brother Larson tells us, that just because we are justified by being born again, it doesn’t mean we can ignore sanctificatio...