Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Galatians 2:4-6, teaching on the Apostle Paul’s message to the early church to not compromise on how one is justified by grace, and that the truth of the gospel, Christ crucified, will continue. The panel addresses the challenges Paul faced as he preached here against law, primarily to the Gentile, but also to the Jew trying to hold on to the law. Brother Larson says, even Jesus’ disciples struggled understanding Paul’s teachings as well. Often times previous teaching and pride hinders the message of the Cross going forth; but be encouraged, God can reveal truth to even the hardest of hearts.
Up Next in 2022
The Message Of The Cross - Oct. 4th, ...
Transition is always hard. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Galatians 2:3, warning of wolves in sheep's clothing in the church, looking at the ugly argument of the Judaizers compelling Titus to be circumcised. The Apostle Paul was up against 1600 years...
The Message Of The Cross - Sep. 30th,...
I went up by revelation. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Galatians 2:2, discussing being led by the Spirit. The Apostle Paul said God revealed to him where He was to take the gospel. Brother Swaggart says, when it comes to ministry, believers must be...
The Message Of The Cross - Sep. 29th,...
The power of the gospel can dispel all evil and hate in the heart. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss how persecution against the early Christian church by Paul, i.e., Saul, and how it came full circle that resulted in Paul being the great gospel barer...