Insight - Apr. 8th, 2021
Where is civility in today’s society? Today on Insight, John Rosenstern discusses electoral redistricting, which will greatly effect elections and the American vote if the HR-1 bill is passed. It’s a power grab, that will result in the stealing of elections to be common place. Brother John shares why he sees the HR-1 bill as un-American. A redistricting of our country is going to endanger Christianity. We must contend for our faith. Redistricting Independent commissions will be established. Brother John says the requirements to be on one of these commissions is so strict that there is no way anyone would qualify. He says the government is trying to take away from the voting freedoms of our individual states to solidify the power to the Federal government. Some of the commission requirements if HR-1 is passed: the disclosure of race, gender, income, employment, education, church affiliation, or other involvements with professional or social causes. Brother John asks, will there be anyone who qualifies for one of these commissions? Brother John says this will result in very limited and selected groups that the government so chooses to be “qualified” to get the vote outcome they are seeking.